Woods Edge Modern, Woodstock, Vermont

Wagner Hodgson worked closely with the architect and the client to site their modern home on a steep ledge band that separates the edge of the forest from the meadow. The home’s orientation is informed by the natural landscape and takes advantage of the quintessential Vermont views from its perch nestled into the hillside. The structure is supported on concrete pilotis that accentuate the floating of the structure over the landscape. The lines of the house were extended out into the landscape, creating decks and outdoor rooms with a spa, fire pit, and seating. New large trees were planted to complement the existing trees and provide a sense of permanence. An existing stone wall was preserved and delineates the home from the edge of the meadow while invoking the site’s agrarian past. Drifts of native fern, blueberry, and grasses were planted amongst ledge outcroppings, anchoring the home in the landscape. The architecture blurs the lines between inside and out enhancing the daily living experience for its residents.

Birdseye Design
General Contractor
Birdseye Building
Michael Moran Photography