Amy Houghton
Amy Houghton joined Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture, after working as a landscape architect and project manager for seven years with Sasaki Associates in Boston. Prior to Sasaki, and to receiving her Masters of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon, Amy worked as a civil engineer and stream restoration specialist in the Pacific Northwest in the mid 1990’s. During this time, she developed a strong natural resource and stormwater management foundation, which highly influences her professional practice today. Amy’s knowledge of low impact development combined with her strong design sense, allows her to create culturally and ecologically rich landscapes that integrate site aesthetics, program needs and environmental concerns. ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center, University Hall at Westfield State University and St. James Community Redevelopment are all projects that illustrate this integration. Her experience has also led to site designs of historic landscapes, mixed-use developments and public parks and open space. Amy has received several design awards for her collaboration from the Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA), the Vermont Chapter of American Society of Landscape Architects (VT ALSA) and American Institute of Architects (AIA).
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